Shipping & Transport: September 11 2013

11 Сен

В сборнике статей помещены аналитические материалы, посвященные дополнительному налогообложению по законодательству Кипра в связи с внесением стран флага регистрации в Серый или Черный списки Парижского меморандума; вопросам, связанным со вступлением в силу Конвенции о труде в морском судоходстве 2006 года; переспективам ратификиции Нидерландами Роттердамских правил; сокращению тоннажа под шлагом Швеции; вопросам, связанным с практикой таможенного оформления захода судов в порты Украины и правовым регулированием складывающихся при этом отношений.

Наибольший интерес вызывает публикация нашего коллеги – автора Международной юридической службы (Interlegal) А. Чеботаренко, в которой освещаются аспекты практики украинского суда при рассмотрении и разрешении споров, вытекающих из отношений, урегулированных таможенным правом Украины. Особое внимание автор уделяет таможенному контролю судовых запасов.

Cyprus – contributed by Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC

Department updates list of countries subject to tonnage tax surcharge
Under Cyprus law, a surcharge is imposed on the tonnage tax payable in respect of qualifying vessels registered in countries that appear in the grey list or blacklist of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control. The Department of Merchant Shipping recently issued its list of the flags included in the grey list or blacklist for the purposes of calculating tonnage tax for 2013.
Автор: Vasileios Psyrras

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Vasileios Psyrras

Germany – contributed by Dabelstein & Passehl

New working time regulation for offshore personnel
In the course of the reform on the law on seafarers, Germany also enacted the Offshore Working Time Regulation. The regulation applies to both German-flagged and foreign-flagged offshore vessels. Although it is too early to predict how strictly the authorities will enforce the new legislation, shipowners and charterers of offshore vessels should not risk breaching contracts with their customers.
Автор: Jörg Noltin, Marco G Remiorz

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Jörg Noltin

Netherlands – contributed by AKD

Netherlands to accelerate ratification process for Rotterdam Rules
Moves are under way to introduce a bill to accelerate ratification by the Netherlands of the Rotterdam Rules, after seven major industry organisations successfully applied pressure to revive the process. Universal application of the rules could facilitate international trade by making its underlying contracts and documentation more efficient and transparent. The Netherlands is attempting to act as a catalyst in this respect.
Автор: Els Verstraaten

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Els Verstraaten

Sweden – contributed by Skarp Stockholm Advokatbyrå

Tonnage tax: Swedish shipping at crossroads
Following years of pressure, the government has finally initiated an action plan in order to strengthen the Swedish shipping community’s ability to compete in an international market. The government has decided to initiate an investigation to analyse the possibility of introducing a tonnage tax system in Sweden with the clear purpose of increasing the number of Swedish vessels flying the Swedish flag.
Автор: Sören Thorlin

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Sören Thorlin

Ukraine – contributed by Interlegal

Shipowner beware: undeclared ship stores
Shipowners and ship masters have recently encountered serious perils while calling at Ukrainian ports – but not natural perils. Rather, some foreign ships have faced significant challenges when dealing with the Ukrainian customs office. Two cases illustrate the importance of ensuring correct declaration of the ship’s stores during customs clearance – and the consequences of failing to do so.
Автор: Oleksandr Chebotarenko

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Oleksandr Chebotarenko